About us

ARIF (Acohof Rural Investment Fund) is a Microcredit bank created for the unbankable.
We welcome anyone, independent of race, religion, sex and age. Loantakers should be above 18 and show the willingness to be with us on the journey in order to help themselves out of poverty by income-generating activities.

The administration is led from Sweden and the executive board is in Cameroon.

ARIF is an independant program under the umbrella of  Afoni Children of Hope Foundation (ACOHOF)

In 2019 Karolina Johnsson, our Swedish founder, went to Bangladesh to learn from Grameen Bank and the decision was taken to adopt the activities of Grameen but to adjust them to Africa. Our ideas started to form and we are now legally registered in Cameroon since 2021.

Our offices are in Bankim, an extremely enclaved and impoverished village in the Andamaoua region of Cameroon.

As well as following the principles of Grameen, our aim is to tick as many boxes of the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals, as possible.

We work together with ACOHOF and their school FFS so that our joint efforts can give the maximum positive impact for the villagers.

Our lead words are: empowerment, sustainability and transparency

Arif's mission is to;

  • Alleviate poverty
  • Enhance equality
  • Help people to help themselves
  • Empower entrepreneurs to create income and jobs 
  • Increase environmental awareness through education and sensitisation about the UN SDGs - through our school and through us
  • Combat rural exodus, corruption and child- or any oppressed labour.

Vice Chairman and Manager of Research and Development

Kongbunri Luanga


Founder and Chairman of Acohof-Sweden

Karolina Johnsson


Chairman and project director Cameroon

Emmanuel Sengafor


Project coordinator Sweden

Lennart vikström


HR, supervisor and auditor  ARIF
Ali Eric Nfor


Program director ACOHOF and FFS

Mamanur Ibinu Adamu


Treasurer ARIF
Aswe Loveline

Chairman ACOHOF

Justin Afoni


Operations Manager
ARIF Bankim
Romeo Nlimg Wamma


Our staff